

Create illustrations for your content with Vector Creator and Illustrator

Do you need to create vector illustrations from scratch to complement your designs, layouts, infographics, advertising, websites and social networks? In this workshop, we will explain the characteristics and usefulness of vector illustrations. We will do two guided practices with Vector Creator and Illustrator to generate vector illustrations from scratch with the assistance of the trainer.
6 hours. Multi-session programme de 2 sessions.

IMPORTANT: To carry out this training, you should have previously taken the basic course of "Illustrator for beginners" or be minimally familiar with this software.

Know the working environment of the software and learn to use it logically.

Learn the workflow to follow in order to achieve good results with vector illustrations.

Understand some basic concepts related to illustration: Composition, balance, colors...

Generate various vector illustrations from scratch with the assistance of the expert person.

Learn how to properly export and publish your vector illustrations.

Solve real problems and doubts of students through explanations and practices.


First session:

1.- Introduction.

2.- Explanation of the usefulness of vector illustrations and what must be taken into account when creating them.

3.- Basic concepts related to illustration: Composition, balance, colors...

4.- Guided practice with Vector Creator (Free Software) to generate and modify various vector illustrations with the individualized assistance of the expert in order to resolve any doubts that may arise.

5.- Export the vector illustrations correctly and adapt them to other designs, compositions, social networks, etc. (Formats: SVG, PNG)

Second session:

6.- Explanation of the specific Illustrator tools to create vector illustrations: Brushes, symbols, interactive paint pot, image tracing, recolor...

7.- Free and personal practice with Illustrator with the individualized assistance of the expert in order to resolve any doubts that may arise.

8.- Correctly export vector illustrations from Illustrator for websites, social networks and printing. (Formats: SVG, PNG, PDF.)

9.- Tips and tricks to get more out of the tools.

Magma3interactiva Web Agency


Days and times
Language of instruction
Attended session
16 Sep, 2024
16:00 - 19:00
Attended session
17 Sep, 2024
16:00 - 19:00
Cibernàrium-22@, Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA
Opening of registration 01/09/2024 to 08:30 h.

Find out more

IMPORTANT: In the event that the format is virtual streaming, it will be done through the free Microsoft Teams platform. Registrants will receive an invitation link and access instructions by email prior to the start of the session.

>> Entry to the classroom will not be allowed after 15 minutes, once the activity has started.
>> The language in which each session is given is reported in the description of each activity.
>> Any of Cibernàrium's training actions can be recorded through a system
of capturing images whose purpose is their subsequent dissemination through a medium or support
in the scope of Barcelona Activa's mission to contribute to economic promotion and employment.
In the recording process, images of the attendees may eventually be recorded
formation. Registration for Cibernàrium activities implies the authorization to Barcelona Activa of
make use of these images for the above purpose.


Next edition

Attended session
dl. 16/09/24 16:00-19:00

Attended session
dt. 17/09/24 16:00-19:00

Cibernàrium-22@, Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA

Free activity
Opening of registration 01/09/2024 to 08:30 h.
