

ERP solutions for small and microenterprise

Les aplicacions ERP (de planificació de recursos empresarials) integren totes les dades i processos duna empresa en un sistema unificat. Aquests sistemes sempre shavien associat a les grans empreses degut al seu elevat cost, però amb l'arribada del cloud computing, les aplicacions ERP s'obren a la pime i a la micropime oferint solucions low cost.
Aprèn en què consisteix un ERP, coneix quins tipus hi ha al teu abast, analitza els seus punts forts i valora com et pot ajudar un ERP en la gestió de la teva empresa.


Què és un ERP, quins avantatges té i quina tecnologia fa servir

       L'ERP com a solución definitiva per a la gestió del nostre negoci

       Les obligacions formals de les empreses i com els ERP ajuden al seu compliment

       Què és i què no és un ERP. La tecnologia dels ERP

       Cloud Compunting: què és, avantatges i com afecta la LOPD

Explorem les solucions ERP

       Software lliure vs. software propietari. Panorama actual de solucions ERP

       Els grans mòduls funcionals d'un ERP. Els usuals cicles de vendes i compres

       La integració dels ERP amb els gestors documentals i l'e-Commerce

       Com triar i implantar un ERP al núvol
Conxita Marín Font


Days and times
Language of instruction
1 Jul, 2024
31 Jul, 2024
Language of instruction:Catalan

Find out more

>> This online activity is available between the first and last day of each month.
>> Registration is possible even if it has already been started.
>> To enroll in any online activity you need to have a web user created. You can create it here.
>> Once enrolled you will find the course in your Personal Space --> Activities --> Activities in progress (
>> You can access the materials of the activity while editing is active.
>> This online course is self-training.
>> To view the videos subtitled, click on the CC button you will find in the video playbar and select language.

>> You will get a certificate of accomplishment when completing all modules and overcoming the activities/test, of the formation before the end of the editing in which the enrolment was made.
>> Course completion status. Within the same course you will find the Results menu point, you will find the Export option (top right). Clicking will open a document showing a report with the status of each lesson. If there are any lessons that are not approved, the contents need to be re-examined as there is some part left undisplayed/made.
>> Once the training is completed, within 24 to 48 hours you will be able to download the certificate to your Personal Space --> Activities --> Activities performed (

>> It is recommended to perform training from a computer and not from mobile or tablets.
>> The most used browsers are: Google Chrome, Safari (for iOS operating systems), Microsoft Edge (for Windows operating systems) and Mozilla Firefox.