

Networking on the Internet: create and expand your virtual network of professional contacts

Learn about techniques and tools to build, manage and make your network of professional relationships more efficient.
El networking aplicat als negocis consisteix a desenvolupar unes bones relacions personals sobre la base de la confiança i el respecte. La utilització d'Internet, la Web 2.0 i les diferents plataformes digitals existents ens poden servir com a potent reforç i complement de les relacions presencials. Vols aprendre a crear una bona xarxa de contactes professionals? Quines són les bases i metodologies que podem utilitzar per crear i gestionar els nostres contactes?
En aquest curs aprendràs què és el networking, quines fases i metodologies podem utilitzar per gestionar la nostra xarxa de contactes i com podem utilitzar les plataformes de networking com Linkedin.

Què és el networking?
       Introducció al networking
       Conceptes bàsics
       Fases del networking

Plataformes de contactes digitals i la seva gestió

       Plataformes de networking
       Fonaments de LinkedIn
       Conceptes imprescindibles
       Inventari de xarx
Ignasi Xavier Alcalde Perea


Days and times
Language of instruction
1 Jul, 2024
31 Jul, 2024
Language of instruction:Catalan
1 Aug, 2024
31 Aug, 2024
Language of instruction:Catalan
Opening of registration 31/07/2024 to 23:59 h.
1 Sep, 2024
30 Sep, 2024
Language of instruction:Catalan
Opening of registration 31/08/2024 to 23:59 h.

Find out more

>> This online activity is available between the first and last day of each month.
>> Registration is possible even if it has already been started.
>> To enroll in any online activity you need to have a web user created. You can create it here.
>> Once enrolled you will find the course in your Personal Space --> Activities --> Activities in progress (
>> You can access the materials of the activity while editing is active.
>> This online course is self-training.
>> To view the videos subtitled, click on the CC button you will find in the video playbar and select language.

>> You will get a certificate of accomplishment when completing all modules and overcoming the activities/test, of the formation before the end of the editing in which the enrolment was made.
>> Course completion status. Within the same course you will find the Results menu point, you will find the Export option (top right). Clicking will open a document showing a report with the status of each lesson. If there are any lessons that are not approved, the contents need to be re-examined as there is some part left undisplayed/made.
>> Once the training is completed, within 24 to 48 hours you will be able to download the certificate to your Personal Space --> Activities --> Activities performed (

>> It is recommended
to perform training from a computer and not from mobile or tablets.
>> The most used browsers are: Google Chrome, Safari (for iOS operating systems), Microsoft Edge (for Windows operating systems) and Mozilla Firefox.