Advice on looking for places to set up or expand your business in Barcelona

Finding the best location for your business is a difficult task that should be carried out with time and patience; two things that are often in short supply. To make the job easier, and to coordinate with our city's real-estate industry, at the OAE we provide an information and advisory service on the search for business locations for enterprises with expansion projects in Barcelona and the metropolitan area.

For local enterprises and projects, searches are conducted according to their needs, either at Barcelona Activa's own facilities (Glories Incubator, Almogavers Business Factory, Technological Park), or at others, especially singular spaces such as industrial warehouses, buildings and large offices.

120 businesses found locations in 2021.

If your company is looking for a place to set up, you can use the Business Advice Office Location Service. You can make an appointment by clicking on the following link.