
The RevESStim el Tèxtil (Coating the Textile) programme offers different training proposals for projects and organizations within the sector. On the one hand, we find the sustainable textile entrepreneurship programme, and on the other hand, specific capsules are offered. The sessions are updated each year, according to the needs of the sector and the SSE organizations and professionals.

Sustainable Textile Entrepreneurship Program (2022-23)

This programme is designed for all types of projects in the idea or initial phase connected to sustainable textiles. From production to the sale of the product, owned or hired, or any other type of service or activity within the scope.


Té per objectiu acompanyar el procés de creació de projectes de tèxtil sostenibles econòmica, social i ambientalment, aterrats a la realitat actual i capaços de generar innovació seguint pas a pas tots els aspectes i processos importants a l'hora d'engegar i portar a terme un projecte socioeconòmic viable tant per les persones que ho impulsen com per l'entorn social i natural d'aquest.

It aims to accompany the process of creating textile projects that are economically, socially and environmentally sustainable, plunged into current reality and capable of generating innovation through all the relevant aspects and processes in the development and execution of a viable socio-economic project, both for the people who promote it and for the social and natural environment of it.


The key points of this program are:

  • The practical application of the concepts, thinking of creative solutions appropriated to each case.
  • The encouragement of collaboration, synergies, and complementarity between participating projects.
  • La mirada d’ESS sobre totes les àrees i espais del projecte i l’entorn. The SSE perspective at all areas and spaces of the project and the environment.


The itinerary

We will follow a three-stage process combining training sessions and group consulting sessions with the expert team specialised in sustainable textiles of the Fasolà's cooperative and masterclasses with the experts in the field of sustainable textiles of the Associació de Moda Sostenible de Barcelona (Barcelona's Association of Sustainable Fashion).


Included phases are:

  1. Conceptualization
  2. Project development and strategic viability
  3. Communication and Commercialisation

In addition, the program includes a Networking session as an act of program closure, and an individual advisory session to consolidate progress during participation in the program.



Although the Training Program is closed to selected initiatives, the masterclasses by the AMSBCN are available to all interested people in learning about the sustainable textile field. All sessions are held in person at different Barcelona Active facilities, always on Mondays from 10 a.m. to 13 a.m

Past activities:

  • 28/11/2022: How to be a sustainable fashion brand in a changing environment?  Expert: Noelia Montero.
  • 09/01/2023: How to make a business plan for a sustainable fashion project. Expert: Federica Massa Saluzzo. 
  • 23/01/2023: Sustainable Fashion. Keys to communicate it effectively. Expert: Gabriela Pedranti.
  • 30/01/2023: Sell and change the world. Ideas and tools for activist brands. Expert: Carmela Serantes.

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