

Introduction to AWS

AWS introductory course for beginners. Learn cloud fundamentals and how to use the most common Amazon Web Services to develop and manage applications. No prior knowledge is required. Using the AWS console, EC2, S3 and Lambda.
16 hours. Multi-session programme de 4 sessions.

- Understand the basics of cloud computing and AWS.

- Use the AWS console to manage resources.

- Deploy virtual machines with EC2, store data in S3 and run code with Lambda.


Session 1: Introduction to AWS

- Basic concepts of cloud computing and introduction to AWS.
- Creating an AWS account and using the AWS Management Console.
- Explanation of key services: EC2, S3, RDS, Lambda.

Session 2: Developing with AWS
- Configuration of virtual servers with EC2.
- Storage of objects with S3.
- Creation of databases with RDS.
- Hands-on exercises with the AWS console.

Session 3: Serverless Architecture with AWS
- Introduction to AWS Lambda.
- Creation of APIs with API Gateway and Lambda.
- Dynamic storage with DynamoDB.
- Practical exercises for deploying a serverless application.

Session 4: CI/CD and DevOps with AWS
- Introduction to DevOps practices.
- Using AWS CodePipeline for continuous integration.
- Infrastructure automation with AWS CloudFormation.
- Practical exercises for configuring CI/CD pipelines.

Slash Mobility


Days and times
Language of instruction
Attended session
2 Sep, 2024
16:00 - 20:00
Attended session
3 Sep, 2024
16:00 - 20:00
Attended session
4 Sep, 2024
16:00 - 20:00
Attended session
5 Sep, 2024
16:00 - 20:00
Cibernàrium-22@, Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA
Opening of registration 18/08/2024 to 08:30 h.

Find out more

IMPORTANT: If the format is virtual streaming, it will be done through the free Microsoft Teams platform. Registrants will receive an invitation link and access instructions via email before the session begins.

>> Entry to the classroom will not be allowed after 15 minutes, once the activity has started.
>> The language in which each session is given is reported in the description of each activity.
>> Any of the training actions of Cibernàrium may be recorded through an image capture system whose purpose is its subsequent dissemination through a medium or support in the field of Barcelona Activa's mission to contribute to economic promotion and employment.
In the recording process, images of those attending the training may eventually be recorded. Registration for Cibernàrium activities implies authorization for Barcelona Activa to
use these images for the above purpose.


Next edition

Attended session
dl. 02/09/24 16:00-20:00

Attended session
dt. 03/09/24 16:00-20:00

Attended session
dc. 04/09/24 16:00-20:00

Attended session
dj. 05/09/24 16:00-20:00

Cibernàrium-22@, Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA

Free activity
Opening of registration 18/08/2024 to 08:30 h.
