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maig 2024

The supportive team at Barcelona Activa have been absolutely essential in making our arrival possible. To be honest we would not be in Barcelona without their help. Barcelona Activa are fast, well-networked, insightful, and have a broad international outlook coupled with a vast experience. And although they work extremely hard, they somehow find the time to be both kind and funny along the way!

abril 2024

Our experience with Business Landing Service at Barcelona Activa was truly exceptional. We were deeply impressed by their swift and effective approach. Emilio and the team not only provided expert guidance and valuable suggestions but also showed genuine kindness throughout our collaboration. It is rare to encounter an entrepreneurship-oriented agency that delivers such comprehensive support with such dedication. While we are just beginning our journey in Barcelona, the support from Barcelona Activa has already laid a strong foundation for our future endeavours.

març 2024

When our industrial minerals brokerage decided to establish a presence in the EU, to be closer to our corporate clients, Barcelona was our preferred destination. However, we had concerns about navigating the regulatory framework, understanding language nuances, and making informed decisions about onboarding our company in this new environment. 

Fortunately, our concerns were quickly alleviated once we contacted the effective and efficient team at Barcelona Activa, with the highly responsive Emilio Arranz Castella as our point of contact. They not only helped us make the best decisions about our new venture but also facilitated the speedy processing of all government-related documentation and approvals. Additionally, they connected us with relevant third parties and companies that could provide the world-class services we required.

To be completely frank, our experience in Barcelona would not have been nearly as productive, in the early stages, without their support. Therefore, I highly recommend Barcelona Activa to anyone considering opening a business in Barcelona.

febrer 2024

I moved to Barcelona for my wife's academic career and wanted to continue my work in Spain as an entrepreneur in the virtual reality game development industry and start a company to hire Spanish employees.  The process of moving to Spain was scary, as I do not yet speak the language and our move was very sudden.  The team at Barcelona Activa was very patient and welcoming with me, helping me navigate setting up the business and going personally with me through key steps of the process like meeting with a Notary.  I would highly recommend working with Barcelona Activa and I was really warmly surprised by how welcoming they were of people coming from abroad. 

novembre 2023

Cuando nos planteamos desde LATAM el aterrizaje en España - BCN, la planificación de agenda fue armada con la prioridad de vincularnos con Barcelona Activa . Así fue que nos contactamos con la oficina de Landing, atendida por Emili Arranz recibiendo un certero y preciso asesoramiento super profesional para nuestro plan nutriéndonos de todas las opciones de herramientas y profesionales que necesitábamos para cada vertical de nuestro modelo. Aun seguimos apoyándonos en ellos para cada instancia recibiendo el profesionalismo y timing adecuado que se necesita para poder avanzar.

novembre 2023

When we planned our company landing to Spain, connecting with Barcelona Activa was our top priority. The Business Landing Service, particularly through Emilio and Veronica, provided us with precise and professional advice, covering every aspect of our business model. Their support included essential tools and expert guidance for each vertical. From company registration to navigating local regulations, their assistance was invaluable. We continue to rely on their expertise, receiving the professional and timely assistance needed to move forward efficiently. Barcelona Activa has been crucial in our successful establishment in Barcelona, saving us time and resources. We are deeply grateful for their unwavering support and highly recommend their services to any business looking to establish a presence in Barcelona.

novembre 2023

El servicio “Business Landing Service” de Barcelona Activa nos ha permitido crear la empresa en Barcelona de una manera facil y eficiente: hemos expuesto el Proyecto y nos han aconsejado y se han encargado de todas las gestiones con las diferentes administraciones, ahorrandonos semanas de gestiones.

octubre 2023

El servicio de aterrizaje de Barcelona Activa nos ha ayudado a establecer Inteliflow en Barcelona en tiempo récord. En nuestro caso, Emilio Arranz y equipo nos han facilitado todo lo necesario para contar con una empresa funcional en cuestión de días.  Para nosotros esto era fundamental debido a que necesitábamos contar con dicha estructura a fin de comenzar a operar con nuestros clientes de la región y para iniciar conversaciones con potenciales inversores. Hacer las cosas correctamente requiere seguir los pasos adecuados y eso es difícil sin el asesoramiento local. Barcelona Activa nos ha facilitado lo necesario para dar el puntapié a las operaciones de Inteliflow (INDUFLOW SL) en la Unión Europea.

setembre 2023

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Barcelona Activa, particularly Emilio Arranz Castella, for their invaluable assistance throughout the entire business registration process and for providing guidance on operating in Spain.   I wholeheartedly encourage all startups to seek support from Barcelona Activa.

maig 2023

The right orientation, the right decisions. Emilio gave us really valuable advice on how to establish operations in Europe

març 2023

We're incredibly grateful and pleasantly surprised by the outstanding service provided by the Barcelona Active team. Their professionalism, friendliness, and unwavering support made it possible for us to create our branch in just 3 days! Big thanks for making it happen!

octubre 2022

We can confidently say that our go-to-market time was reduced from (what could’ve been) 6 months to (less than) 1 month because of the support from Barcelona Activa and Emilio Arranz. A true asset to business owners and businesses.

juliol 2022

Barcelona Activa, was instrumental in helping Leanox establish in Barcelona. Emilio's assistance was invaluable, providing comprehensive support and bridging language and cultural barriers. Their service was efficient and thorough, making the process seamless. Highly recommend for anyone looking to establish in Barcelona or Spain.

juny 2022

El servicio de Landing que nos brindó Barcelona Activa a través de su equipo, y en especial de Emilio Arraz, fue completamente efectivo. Tuvimos la empresa formalmente creada en un tiempo menor a un mes, con la asesoría y acompañamiento para cada etapa del proceso, desde su constitución, legalización y registro ante entidades tributarias y bancarias. Lo recomiendo ampliamente para ese aterrizaje acompañado, efectivo y con costo optimizado.

maig 2022

Barcelona Activa's expertise streamlined our administrative processes, orchestrating appointments with precision and ensuring a seamless experience. Remarkably, what might have taken weeks was efficiently accomplished in just two days. Their dedication to expediting our setup in Spain, where we successfully opened a subsidiary, was truly impressive.

maig 2022

Considero muy relevantes y recomendables los servicios de Business Landing que ofrece Barcelona Activa. Además de ser un canal de comunicación oficial, que nos orienta sobre las normas y reglas a seguir a la hora de establecernos en la ciudad (lo que nos ayuda a evitar algunos escollos en el camino), no puedo dejar de mencionar la implicación y dedicación personal de su equipo.
Basándonos en un trabajo previo, con reuniones y análisis documental, podemos decir que conseguimos firmar el proceso de apertura de empresa exactamente el mismo día que aterrizamos en Barcelona, ​​obteniendo nuestro registro mercantil y cuenta bancaria abierta en menos de 3 días. Efectivamente, Barcelona Activa estuvo allí para darnos la mano (y sigue estando) ayudándonos a dar nuestros primeros pasos en esta ciudad.

febrer 2022

We would like to thank immensely Barcelona Activa for their big support and disposal at every moment during the setup of our business in Spain, also we appreciate the dedicated time and the level of professionalism from their side, we definitely had a great experience collaborating where everything went smoothly.

desembre 2021
Logo Costa Crociere

Support we’ve received from Barcelona Activa has been key for the launch of our project. Having such an important and committed Partner allowed us both to immediately find the professional profiles we needed, thus being quick in talent search, and to define the right location for the launch of our business. We felt welcome in the city since the beginning and this is thanks to Barcelona Activa

octubre 2021

Winid, de Actual Talent Solutions, est un acteur international dans le conseil en acquisition et développement des talents.  Barcelona Activa a été un Partenaire stratégique pour le développement de Winid. Les collaborateurs de Barcelona Activa sont compétents et attentifs, de vrais facilitateurs et démineurs de problèmes.  Je recommande chaudement Barcelona Activa pour vous aider dans votre atterrissage en Espagne. 

juliol 2021

Barcelona Activa made our move to Barcelona a breeze, turning it into a smooth experience. Their support and expert advice were crucial in getting Grupo Clariter España up and running smoothly and quickly. We're super grateful to Emilio and the whole team for going above and beyond our expectations. Thanks for being such awesome partners!


Barcelona Activa m'a accompagné tout au long de la création de ma société. Leurs services ont été d'une grande aide et m'ont permis de tenir un délais d'ouverture record. Je recommande aux entrepreneurs désirant s'installer ici de découvrir et profiter de ce service sur mesure hors norme! Barcelona Activa est sans aucun doute "LA" porte d'entrée idéale pour implanter sa société dans cette belle région catalane.

"We greatly appreciate the professional assistance from Barcelona Activa Landing Services in helping us establish Ansur Soutions Barcelona. We could not have done this without you! "

As Frizbit, a foreign startup trying to establish a company and its operations in Barcelona, Barcelona Activa is definitely the one-stop shop to go. The business landing team of Barcelona Activa helped us in the whole process from making decision about the best structure for our entity in Spain to each step of incorporation, to even introductions to other types of 3rd parties we would need such as bank, notary and accountant. They are very experienced and organized, and the electronic company incorporation is really fast. We loved working with Barcelona Activa and recommend any foreign startup to contact with them.
Barcelona Activa is the best place to start your business. The service they provided us was very professional and personal. The communication and process have been very smooth, and they always tried to understand our position. They represented with the honour of Barcelona and demonstrated that Barcelona is an open and cosmopolitan city with bright future.
Un grand merci a Barcelona activa pour son aide à trouver un lieu d'atterrissage pour notre entreprise et leur sérieux et disponibilité tout au long du processus. Je recommande à 100% leur aide. Encore merci.
Barcelona Activa has been instrumental in helping B9lab set up shop in Barcelona. As the leading global provider of blockchain education, training and talent, we would recommend their business support services to other international companies looking to land here. B9lab looks forward to a continued partnership with Barcelona Activa focused on community building, connection and collaboration as we establish our presence in this great city.
Really want to thank Barcelona Activa for their involvement in our project and the attention they have paid.Proactive people willing to help and with extensive knowledge in their field. It’s not always easy opening new companies, therefore having their expertise has been a great asset for our team.
Our landing in Spain would never have happened without the collaboration of the Barcelona Activa team, they have helped us from the creation of the company, bank account, legal advice to the personal procedures of its executives.We could not be happier and more grateful
Barcelona Activa has provided us with excellent support as we work to establish a new office in Barcelona. Our contacts were friendly, responsive, and eager to help. They provided us with a ready-to-use softlanding space and put us in contact with key personnel for everything from permanent office space to talent recruitment. They also provided us with helpful suggestions on interesting talks to attend and online resources to navigating the city as expats. They have been a truly a positive and irreplaceable resource.

The Barcelona Activa team was not only instrumental; they were critical in making our move to Spain a successful one. They have been hands on since the beginning, making sure we understand and complete every step of the process. We are grateful to be working with them.

Great experience with Barcelona Activa, which helped us to understand the process of creation of a company in Barcelona, regularly reminded us the deadlines, accompanied us for the major steps (notary, bank...) and was always quick to answer our questions.
Barcelona Activa and our consultants supported our implementation in the city all the way. They helped us with every admin procedure and guide us through all the steps. Their follow-up and expertise allow us to focus on our landing strategy and establish our company in the best conditions
"Starting a business with Barcelona Activa was very helpful and effective. We were able to start operations faster than we could expect. The team is professional and friendly. We would recommend the service to any foreign company starting business in Barcelona.”
"We couldn't have set up our company without the support of the business landing service from Barcelona Activa. The team has explained and accompanied to us in every step of the process. They have been very kind and supportive, showing a great interest in our product, which gave us the confidence and the sense that we could actually do this. Thank you so much!”
"Barcelona Activa undoubtedly played a key role in Uncover Truth Inc.´s global expansion. From providing us with a landing space in one of the most dynamic business environments of the city to assisting us with legal paperwork, Barcelona Activa provided an invaluable support system for our transition into the European market. Thanks to the ample resources and guidance provided by the landing services program, we were able to successfully establish our European headquarters."
“The help, advice and dedication we received from Barcelona Activa in setting up our subsidiary was critical to our initiation process. The experience the team brought to the process helped us understand national and regional requirements, and incorporate our company in 2 days on the ground. The team always maintained a flexible mindset and was focused in helping us to achieve our goals.”
"Barcelona Activa provided vital support for Pixel Projects getting established in Barcelona. They provided invaluable support in navigating the system, facilitating the interaction with relevant authorities and provided assistance in finding suitable office space."

"We truly appreciate the great help and support received and all the incredibly friendly staff of Barcelona Activa's business landing service. They have increased notably the effectiveness, timing and ease of the set-up of Vsourz S.L. in Barcelona"

"Barcelona Activa a été d'une aide fondamentale dans la réussite de la création de notre filiale à Barcelone. Nous avons été guidé et conseillé aussi bien sur le l'administratif, le juridique que le fiscale ou encore le financier, le RH et même l'immobilier !. C'est une équipe solide et réactive qui s'est impliquée pour nous bien au-delà de nos attentes"
"Dans le cadre de la création d'un nouveau concept de restaurant à Barcelone, j'ai été accompagné par les équipes de Barcelona Activa. Leur aide a été extrêmement précieuse et efficace. Durant les phases de démarrage, j'ai pu apprécier toutes les qualités professionnelles et la disponibilité des experts mis à ma disposition. Notamment en matière de démarches administratives et la recherche de locaux. Un grand merci "
"How can you handle all this without Barcelona Activa ?! Do not hesitate, the fastest, the coolest and the most efficient service in all Barcelona. Setting up our company has never been so easy. Thanks again to all of you"

“We received excellent support from BCN Activa during all stages of the founding process of Energy Project Sales S.L. Communication with us could not have been better, we definitely saved a lot of time and resources using BCN Activa. Now we are looking forward to grow and return to them to use more of their services."

“Barcelona Activa has a very competent team that provides guidance and information about the issues to consider when starting a business in the Spanish market. Not only on the legal aspects, but they also connected us with suppliers of the services we needed, escorted us at all times and put their facilities at our disposal. We thank them for the valuable collaboration. What a great team!”
“We are very satisfied with the services of Barcelona Activa. From the first day they have helped us and advised us with all the legal processes. We highly recommend them for other international companies”.

“We are Swiss based and Barcelona Activa gave us tremendous help in setting up our branch company in Barcelona over the distance. Barcelona Activa’s reliability and high personal commitment of their staff gave us confidence and helped us setting up the company in short term with optimal local support at reasonable funding cost.”
“Starting a company anywhere in the world is hard, especially if you're outside your home country, but Barcelona Activa helped us take care of all of the legal and accounting paperwork so we could focus on launching our business"

"Barcelona Activa was the ultimate reason why we opened our office in Barcelona. Of all cities we evaluated they offered the best service and helped with all important matters and small problems in no time. We are very grateful for this great support to this day."
"Haufe Group is a specialist for digital workplace solutions and web-based services. We decided to come to Barcelona by the end of to 2015. After the evaluation phase of our expansion, Barcelona Activa provided us with great support – front office services for the companies coming to Barcelona are very streamlined and the knowledge transfer is invaluable. People are efficient and extremely helpful. I really recommend all companies who decided to land in Barcelona to get support from this organisation".
"Barcelona Activa has been a constant ally for, from its creation to the recruiting process. We will be eternally grateful for their unconditional help!!"

"Barcelona Activa has been extremely helpful in the process of setting up our new studio in Barcelona. From the initial contact to explore the feasibility to guiding us through the options and every step of the process, their team has provided exceptional support even in the very tight deadlines that our dynamic business required."

"We highly appreciated Barcelona Activa services. Contacts were professional, efficient and solution oriented. As a foreign company, we are very glad to invest in Spain and in Catalonia particularly, as we received a warm welcome. Barcelona Activa people made our landing as smooth and painless as possible. We feel committed to thank Catalan community back in developing our local business as fast and as strong as possible."

SpaceSUR is a company born in Buenos Aires whose mission is to apply space technology for the digital transformation of business and society. We are very proud to start our operations in Europe, based in Barcelona, betting and investing in the synergy between Latin American and European talent, in a specialized sector with great potential such as Space. The hyper professional support and advice of Barcelona Activa team was very important to take this important step of growth for our company.

We are really grateful to Barcelona Activa for the help it has provided to settle Immense in Barcelona. It has really eased the process of going through all the bureaucratic hurdles in order to launch our Barcelona office. It has also provided useful tips and networking information. We are eager to start our activity in such a vibrant ecosystem that is Barcelona.
"Bigfinite is a startup born in San Francisco. When we arrived to BCN we found in the BCN Activa's Landing Department the same feeling, efficiency and service spirit than we are used to manage in Silicon Valley. That's a great flavour and a good start point for a start up. Thank you so much!"

TBSCG had tremendous help from Barcelona Activa in establishing the company. This help and proactive way of working gave them the confidence to open the office in the city"
"The proactive team of Barcelona Activa was here from the beginning to give us personalized advices and helpful services such as location and recruitment support. We felt warmly welcome to the city and will always be thankful!”
“When you are in a new place, you need a local friend. That goes for companies too. Cien, Inc decided to locate a significant portion of our R&D & Operations in Barcelona in late 2016 after completing a successful fundraising process. Through the help of Barcelona Activa, we were able to establish a wholly owned subsidiary, get all relevant filings done and establish important business service relationships. We could not be more pleased and grateful for all the excellent help we received from Barcelona Activa, and in particular Monica Valenzuela Cuyas. We are now up and running and have hired an excellent team here in Barcelona and plan to continue to grow our operations here.”

“Barcelona Activa est un dispositif très intelligent et efficace pour accompagner les entreprises dans leur démarche d'implantation. Vous bénéficiez gratuitement d'experts de bon niveau et de points d'entrée très précieux dans les différents organismes du parcours de création. Au final, nous avons concrétisé la constitution de la société 48h heures chrono! Un grand merci!!”

We are a technology company, just passed its Start-up phase and were looking for expansion of our team, preferably in Barcelona. So we hooked up with Barcelona Activa. They have been great in supplying us with all the relevant information. From office spaces to legal and from fiscale matters to employment. In the future we know they will always be available in helping us growing our business in Spain.

Starting a new business abroad is always a step into the unknown. Barcelona Activa provided a crucial service in the success of our settlement. Their experience, knowledge and contacts throughout all the phases of the process ensured the right choices even under tight schedules. Grateful for the excellent service given