Aterratge empresarial
Ruta de navegació
aterratge empresarial
Assessorament i acompanyament a projectes estrangers que volen invertir a Barcelona.
Voleu establir el vostre negoci a Barcelona?
Si ets un emprenedor resident a l'estranger o representes una empresa estrangera i vols invertir a Barcelona, t'oferim tot un ventall de serveis per facilitar-t'ho.
Per a empreses estrangeres (empreses internacionals i inversors)
Servei de suport integral i gratuït de finestreta única per acompanyar els projectes d'inversió a Barcelona, amb total confidencialitat. L'objectiu del servei és proporcionar un aterratge suau per als processos de configuració empresarial.
Esteu en l'etapa de presa de decisions?
Us proporcionem informació rellevant per mostrar per què Barcelona és l'opció correcta.
Esteu planejant el vostre aterratge a Barcelona?
Us ajudem en la incorporació de negocis, la recerca de locals comercials i la captació del talent adequat.
Us heu instal·lat recentment a Barcelona?
Us ajudem a iniciar la vostra activitat empresarial aportant informació i suport en els tràmits municipals.
La cartera de serveis disponibles inclou els següents:
- Informació i assessorament sobre tràmits per instal·lar-se a Barcelona (legals, d'immigració, permisos municipals i burocràcia).
- Servei de constitució d'empreses en línia.
- Suport a la recerca de contractació, tant de treballadors com d'estudiants en pràctiques formatives.
- Recerca d'ubicacions comercials adequades per a empreses (edificis d'oficines, magatzems o terrenys) i lloguers temporals d'oficines (coworking). Espai d'oficines soft-landing durant 3 mesos.
- Informació sobre proveïdors privats especialitzats.
- Relació amb altres agents de la ciutat
Per a emprenedors estrangers (persones físiques que volen iniciar una nova activitat empresarial a Barcelona)
Suport integral als emprenedors internacionals que volen traslladar-se a Barcelona per iniciar un projecte empresarial.
Recursos disponibles:
Serveis in situ:
- Jornades de formació en emprenedoria: estructures jurídiques i sistema fiscal a Espanya.
- Informació i assessorament sobre tràmits per instal·lar-se a Barcelona.
- Informació i suport en la recerca de finançament.
- Assessorament sobre el model de negoci i el pla de negoci.
- Serveis d'incubació.
Serveis en línia:
- Aplicació de pla d'empresa en línia.
- Barcelona Startup Map per descobrir l'ecosistema emprenedor de Barcelona.
- Documents i guies comercials.
Publicador de continguts
When we planned our company landing to Spain, connecting with Barcelona Activa was our top priority. The Business Landing Service, particularly through Emilio and Veronica, provided us with precise and professional advice, covering every aspect of our business model. Their support included essential tools and expert guidance for each vertical. From company registration to navigating local regulations, their assistance was invaluable. We continue to rely on their expertise, receiving the professional and timely assistance needed to move forward efficiently. Barcelona Activa has been crucial in our successful establishment in Barcelona, saving us time and resources. We are deeply grateful for their unwavering support and highly recommend their services to any business looking to establish a presence in Barcelona.

El servicio “Business Landing Service” de Barcelona Activa nos ha permitido crear la empresa en Barcelona de una manera facil y eficiente: hemos expuesto el Proyecto y nos han aconsejado y se han encargado de todas las gestiones con las diferentes administraciones, ahorrandonos semanas de gestiones.

The supportive team at Barcelona Activa have been absolutely essential in making our arrival possible. To be honest we would not be in Barcelona without their help. Barcelona Activa are fast, well-networked, insightful, and have a broad international outlook coupled with a vast experience. And although they work extremely hard, they somehow find the time to be both kind and funny along the way!

Our experience with Business Landing Service at Barcelona Activa was truly exceptional. We were deeply impressed by their swift and effective approach. Emilio and the team not only provided expert guidance and valuable suggestions but also showed genuine kindness throughout our collaboration. It is rare to encounter an entrepreneurship-oriented agency that delivers such comprehensive support with such dedication. While we are just beginning our journey in Barcelona, the support from Barcelona Activa has already laid a strong foundation for our future endeavours.
When our industrial minerals brokerage decided to establish a presence in the EU, to be closer to our corporate clients, Barcelona was our preferred destination. However, we had concerns about navigating the regulatory framework, understanding language nuances, and making informed decisions about onboarding our company in this new environment.
Fortunately, our concerns were quickly alleviated once we contacted the effective and efficient team at Barcelona Activa, with the highly responsive Emilio Arranz Castella as our point of contact. They not only helped us make the best decisions about our new venture but also facilitated the speedy processing of all government-related documentation and approvals. Additionally, they connected us with relevant third parties and companies that could provide the world-class services we required.
To be completely frank, our experience in Barcelona would not have been nearly as productive, in the early stages, without their support. Therefore, I highly recommend Barcelona Activa to anyone considering opening a business in Barcelona.

As an Irish company, we found it remarkably easy to establish our business, thanks to the outstanding support provided by Barcelona Activa and their dedicated team. Their assistance was invaluable in enabling ExpandNow to successfully expand its operations. We are immensely grateful for their crucial role in our growth journey.

I moved to Barcelona for my wife's academic career and wanted to continue my work in Spain as an entrepreneur in the virtual reality game development industry and start a company to hire Spanish employees. The process of moving to Spain was scary, as I do not yet speak the language and our move was very sudden. The team at Barcelona Activa was very patient and welcoming with me, helping me navigate setting up the business and going personally with me through key steps of the process like meeting with a Notary. I would highly recommend working with Barcelona Activa and I was really warmly surprised by how welcoming they were of people coming from abroad.

Cuando nos planteamos desde LATAM el aterrizaje en España - BCN, la planificación de agenda fue armada con la prioridad de vincularnos con Barcelona Activa . Así fue que nos contactamos con la oficina de Landing, atendida por Emili Arranz recibiendo un certero y preciso asesoramiento super profesional para nuestro plan nutriéndonos de todas las opciones de herramientas y profesionales que necesitábamos para cada vertical de nuestro modelo. Aun seguimos apoyándonos en ellos para cada instancia recibiendo el profesionalismo y timing adecuado que se necesita para poder avanzar.

When we planned our company landing to Spain, connecting with Barcelona Activa was our top priority. The Business Landing Service, particularly through Emilio and Veronica, provided us with precise and professional advice, covering every aspect of our business model. Their support included essential tools and expert guidance for each vertical. From company registration to navigating local regulations, their assistance was invaluable. We continue to rely on their expertise, receiving the professional and timely assistance needed to move forward efficiently. Barcelona Activa has been crucial in our successful establishment in Barcelona, saving us time and resources. We are deeply grateful for their unwavering support and highly recommend their services to any business looking to establish a presence in Barcelona.

El servicio “Business Landing Service” de Barcelona Activa nos ha permitido crear la empresa en Barcelona de una manera facil y eficiente: hemos expuesto el Proyecto y nos han aconsejado y se han encargado de todas las gestiones con las diferentes administraciones, ahorrandonos semanas de gestiones.

The supportive team at Barcelona Activa have been absolutely essential in making our arrival possible. To be honest we would not be in Barcelona without their help. Barcelona Activa are fast, well-networked, insightful, and have a broad international outlook coupled with a vast experience. And although they work extremely hard, they somehow find the time to be both kind and funny along the way!

Our experience with Business Landing Service at Barcelona Activa was truly exceptional. We were deeply impressed by their swift and effective approach. Emilio and the team not only provided expert guidance and valuable suggestions but also showed genuine kindness throughout our collaboration. It is rare to encounter an entrepreneurship-oriented agency that delivers such comprehensive support with such dedication. While we are just beginning our journey in Barcelona, the support from Barcelona Activa has already laid a strong foundation for our future endeavours.
When our industrial minerals brokerage decided to establish a presence in the EU, to be closer to our corporate clients, Barcelona was our preferred destination. However, we had concerns about navigating the regulatory framework, understanding language nuances, and making informed decisions about onboarding our company in this new environment.
Fortunately, our concerns were quickly alleviated once we contacted the effective and efficient team at Barcelona Activa, with the highly responsive Emilio Arranz Castella as our point of contact. They not only helped us make the best decisions about our new venture but also facilitated the speedy processing of all government-related documentation and approvals. Additionally, they connected us with relevant third parties and companies that could provide the world-class services we required.
To be completely frank, our experience in Barcelona would not have been nearly as productive, in the early stages, without their support. Therefore, I highly recommend Barcelona Activa to anyone considering opening a business in Barcelona.

As an Irish company, we found it remarkably easy to establish our business, thanks to the outstanding support provided by Barcelona Activa and their dedicated team. Their assistance was invaluable in enabling ExpandNow to successfully expand its operations. We are immensely grateful for their crucial role in our growth journey.

I moved to Barcelona for my wife's academic career and wanted to continue my work in Spain as an entrepreneur in the virtual reality game development industry and start a company to hire Spanish employees. The process of moving to Spain was scary, as I do not yet speak the language and our move was very sudden. The team at Barcelona Activa was very patient and welcoming with me, helping me navigate setting up the business and going personally with me through key steps of the process like meeting with a Notary. I would highly recommend working with Barcelona Activa and I was really warmly surprised by how welcoming they were of people coming from abroad.

Cuando nos planteamos desde LATAM el aterrizaje en España - BCN, la planificación de agenda fue armada con la prioridad de vincularnos con Barcelona Activa . Así fue que nos contactamos con la oficina de Landing, atendida por Emili Arranz recibiendo un certero y preciso asesoramiento super profesional para nuestro plan nutriéndonos de todas las opciones de herramientas y profesionales que necesitábamos para cada vertical de nuestro modelo. Aun seguimos apoyándonos en ellos para cada instancia recibiendo el profesionalismo y timing adecuado que se necesita para poder avanzar.

When we planned our company landing to Spain, connecting with Barcelona Activa was our top priority. The Business Landing Service, particularly through Emilio and Veronica, provided us with precise and professional advice, covering every aspect of our business model. Their support included essential tools and expert guidance for each vertical. From company registration to navigating local regulations, their assistance was invaluable. We continue to rely on their expertise, receiving the professional and timely assistance needed to move forward efficiently. Barcelona Activa has been crucial in our successful establishment in Barcelona, saving us time and resources. We are deeply grateful for their unwavering support and highly recommend their services to any business looking to establish a presence in Barcelona.

El servicio “Business Landing Service” de Barcelona Activa nos ha permitido crear la empresa en Barcelona de una manera facil y eficiente: hemos expuesto el Proyecto y nos han aconsejado y se han encargado de todas las gestiones con las diferentes administraciones, ahorrandonos semanas de gestiones.