

How to set up Limited Liability Companies (sociedades Limitadas)

The main objective of the training is to know what the procedure is for setting up the company, as well as the necessary documents for the constitution. In addition to knowing the tax and labor obligations that will arise from the constitution of a private civil society
Single-session programme: 1 session de 1:30 hours
Aimed at:

Entrepreneurs, who knows all the details of the leagl format and only wants to know how to set up their company with us.


Our One stop shop allows companies to be electronically formed in an average period of 4-7 days for SLs, to form private civil societies and to register as an individual entrepreneur immediately

In order to access this service, the entrepreneur must have attended one of the two two-hour "How to transact electronically with Barcelona Activa" training modules, either the one aimed at setting up commercial companies or the one aimed at individual entrepreneurs (self-employed).

Verónica Dieguez, Jolanta Wielkopolan i Sara Pallarés


Days and times
Language of instruction
Virtual classroom
17 Dec, 2024
12:00 - 13:30
Language of instruction:Catalan
Registration closed.
Virtual classroom
9 Jan, 2025
12:00 - 13:30
Language of instruction:Spanish
Opening of registration 25/12/2024 to 00:00 h.
Attended session
21 Jan, 2025
12:00 - 14:00
Oficina d'Atenció a les Empreses (OAE), Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA
Language of instruction:Catalan
Opening of registration 06/01/2025 to 00:00 h.
Virtual classroom
4 Feb, 2025
12:00 - 13:30
Language of instruction:Spanish
Opening of registration 20/01/2025 to 00:00 h.
Virtual classroom
18 Feb, 2025
12:00 - 13:30
Language of instruction:Catalan
Opening of registration 03/02/2025 to 00:00 h.
Virtual classroom
27 Feb, 2025
12:00 - 13:30
Language of instruction:English
Opening of registration 12/02/2025 to 00:00 h.
Attended session
4 Mar, 2025
12:00 - 14:00
Oficina d'Atenció a les Empreses (OAE), Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA
Language of instruction:Spanish
Opening of registration 17/02/2025 to 00:00 h.
Virtual classroom
13 Mar, 2025
12:00 - 13:30
Language of instruction:Catalan
Opening of registration 26/02/2025 to 00:00 h.
Virtual classroom
25 Mar, 2025
12:00 - 13:30
Language of instruction:Spanish
Opening of registration 10/03/2025 to 00:00 h.

Find out more

En cas que no puguis assistir a l'activitat, és necessari que et donis de baixa amb 12 hores d'antel·lació entrant a l'apartat ACTIVITATS del teu Espai Personal, al qual pots accedir fent clic aquí. Daquesta manera una altra persona podria aprofitar la teva plaça.
La realització de les activitats està condicionada a la inscripció d'un mínim d'alumnes. En cas de cancel·lació s'avisarà a les persones inscrites.
Aquestes activitats es realitzen en català, excepte en casos particulars i a no ser que la majoria de les persones assistents sol·licitin que es facin en castellà


Next edition

Virtual classroom
dt. 17/12/24 12:00-13:30

Free activity
Registration closed.
