

Support for small and medium-sized companies and self-employed people in the digitalisation process. Support in the processing of Digital Kit grants

This programme provides small and medium-sized enterprises and self-employed individuals with a specialised advisory service for (1)  defining a digitalisation plan and specifying the solutions to be implemented; (2)  a guide in how to process the Digital Kit.

The service includes assistance in implementing improvements in the following areas:

  • Presence of the company on the internet, whether through web plans, social networks or other online media.
  • Company’s online communication and marketing strategy, in terms of planning and the use of the different tools available to small companies, from resources for online marketing campaigns to tools for improving the positioning on search engines and the use of web analytics and social networks.
  • Use of online sales channels.
  • Digitalisation of the company’s management processes in terms of using computerised management systems such as CRM and ERP, or the use of tools that facilitate collaborative work and teleworking.
  • Information, advice and processing support in relation to the Digital Kit grants. Kit Digital is a non-refundable aid programme for the implementation of digital solutions for small businesses, micro-enterprises and self-employed people.
Update: Call III of the Digital Kit, aimed at companies with between 0 and less than 3 employees and self-employed people, has been extended until October 31, 2025.


The accompaniment process will be carried out by specialised technical staff and will be structured into three stages:

STAGE 1: An initial diagnosis to determine the level of digitalisation of the company and the possibilities for improvement in the following areas:

  • Company’s presence on the Internet
  • The company’s online communication and marketing strategy
  • Use of online sales channels
  • Digitalisation of company management processes and possibilities for telecommuting and collaborative work.

STAGE 2: Drafting of a digitalisation plan based on the initial diagnosis, which must include specific and measurable objectives related to the company’s degree of digitalisation in the different areas defined in the previous point. 

STAGE 3: Advice and support in the processing of the Digital Kit and in the specification of the solutions and functional requirements in order to negotiate and contract the Digital Agents in the following categories of digital solutions:
- Web and basic internet presence (*)
- E-commerce
- Social media management
- Customer management
- Business Intelligence and Analytics
- Virtual Office Services
- Process Management
- Electronic Invoicing
- Secure Communications
- Cybersecurity
- Marketplace (*)
- Advanced internet presence
- Managed Cybersecurity Service (**)
- Customer management with associated AI (**)
- Business Intelligence and Analytics and associated AI (**)
- Process Management with associated AI (**)
- Secure Workplace (***)
(*) exclusive for companies between 0 and less than 50 workers.
(**) exclusive for companies between 50 and less than 250 workers.
(***) exclusive for companies between 0 and less than 3 workers.

The assistance will consist of a maximum of 5 hours of assessment over a maximum period of six months.

This service is provided within the framework of the Program for improvement, digitalization, and sustainability of business, which aims to support businesses in the city of Barcelona and its metropolitan area in adapting to the challenges of the post-pandemic situation.


In order to receive the assistance, interested companies or self-employed individuals must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a registered office in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. 
  • Have a maximum of 50 employees.
  • Have computer equipment and an Internet connection, as well as someone on the team participating in the programme with user-level computer skills.
  • Be aware of the tax and social security obligations


You can request the service through the "Request the service" form, selecting the option "Advice for digitization/Digital Kit".


"This programme is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union, within the framework of the ERDF Operational Programme of Catalonia 2014-2020. Operation 1: Improvement of the city’s business economic network and ERDF Action 1.1 Support programmes to improve business competitiveness”.



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