

Personalised advice whether you are a business owner who wants to sell your business or if you are an entrepreneur interested in providing continuity to an existing company.

At the Business Advice Office, we provide access to a transparent business transfer market where people who want to sell their business can find potential buyers, whether they are entrepreneurs who are looking for a business to manage or companies interested in acquiring business units to develop or grow their business activity.

Through the Business Growth Transfer Programme, we assist both the buyer and seller in the process of negotiating and formalising the transaction through personalised advice and information on how to complete the transfer process.

In the case of entrepreneurs or companies that acquire the business, the programme also supports them during the six months following the acquisition of the business in order to implement a business growth plan.

For companies

If you have a company and you want to analyse the possibility of acquiring a new business to develop or grow your activity, click below to receive specialised assistance.

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For sellers

If you have a company and you want to sell it, click below to receive advice from our expert team.

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For entrepreneurs

If you are an entrepreneur interested in continuing with an existing business, please click below for advice from our technical team.

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