

What should be considered when evaluating/negotiating an international distribution contract?

The main objective of this session is to provide a basic knowledge of the key aspects that must be defined in an international distribution contract.
Single-session programme: 1 session de 1:30 hours
Aimed at:

Addressed to business professionals and freelancers who have a product and are evaluating its international distribution or anticipate having contacts with international distributor/importer companies.


Full syllabus:
1. Introduction
- Importance of the evaluation of contracts
2. Selection of distributors
- Analysis of target markets. Understand the dynamics of the foreign market. Selection of distributors based on market needs.
- Distributor selection criteria. Establish criteria for the selection of distribution partners. Address aspects such as the financial soundness and reputation of the dealer.
3. Key contractual terms
- Rights and obligations of the parties. Clearly define the rights and obligations of both parties. Protection of your company's interests.
- Commercial conditions and payments. Establish clear commercial terms and payment terms. Avoid misunderstandings and ensure cash flow
4. Legal aspects and compliance
- International legal requirements
- Protection of intellectual property
5. Risk management
- Risk analysis. Identification of possible risks associated with the contract. Strategies to mitigate risks.
- International insurance. Types of insurance available. Importance of adequate coverage
6. Effective negotiation
- International negotiation techniques
- Flexibility in agreements. Provision of exit clauses
7. Questions and answers and conclusions.

Oriol Garcés de l'empresa i4SME PROJECTS SL


Days and times
Language of instruction
Virtual classroom
5 Jun, 2025
10:00 - 11:30
Language of instruction:Catalan
Opening of registration 06/05/2025 to 00:00 h.

Find out more

IMPORTANT: This activity is carried out in two types of format: face-to-face session or virtual session. Consult the type of each session in the web calendar.
Virtual session: The virtual sessions of this activity are delivered via streaming using the free Microsoft Teams platform. Registrants will receive an email link with the invitation and access instructions prior to the start of the session.
In the activities of the Virtual Classroom, all those people who have accessed the space in the first 30 minutes of the training will be considered as "attended". People who join later will be counted as "not attended" and the corresponding certificate will not be generated.
Face-to-face session: information on the place where the face-to-face session takes place, address and classroom, can be found on the website.
In the face-to-face activities, registered people must certify their attendance by signing the attendance sheet that they will find at the reception of the corresponding equipment.


Next edition

Virtual classroom
dj. 05/06/25 10:00-11:30

Free activity
Opening of registration 06/05/2025 to 00:00 h.
