Detall formació
Connect your business for free with Google My Business
En aquest curs us explicarem com podeu augmentar la vostra visibilitat tot utilitzant Google My Business.
Quins beneficis pot aportar Google My Business a la teva empresa?
Funcionalitats de Google My Business
Creació del perfil a Google My Business I
Creació del perfil a Google My Business II
Com maximitzar la visibilitat a Google My Business
Optimització del perfil a Google My Business
Punts clau del perfil a Google My Business
Els canals d'interacció
Find out more
Learn at your own pace
Online training is self-training, quarterly and you can register at any time.
Enjoy learning from wherever you want, at your own pace and without schedules.
The activities are available at the Virtual Campus of Barcelona Activa
To obtain the certificate of completion, the final questionnaire of the course must be completed. Once passed, you can download it in the Personal Area