

La inversió privada: clàusules del pacte de socis (III)

Descriptive explanation of the main political clauses included in a partnership pact regulating the investor's entry, permanence and exit.
Single-session programme: 1 session de 2 hours
Aimed at:

Futures and current entrepreneurs who view private investment as a way of financing their business project. No prior knowledge is required.


The partner pact is the binding document which sets out the conditions under which investors will enter the capital of companies, establishing certain agreements on the rights and obligations of the parties. The intention is to explain the functioning of the main political clauses of this type of agreement.

Statistically, less than 2 of the 100 executive summaries presented to a private investor are implemented in a partnership agreement. This is the binding document, which obliges the parties, which sets out the conditions under which investors will enter the capital of companies. The agreement will regulate the investor's stay and exit, establishing certain pacts on the rights and obligations of the parties to this end. The aim of the training action is to know how political clauses work.

General activity target:

  • To know how the most common political clauses of a partnership pact and investment contract work.

Activity specific target:

  1. To be familiar with the workings of the most common political clauses of a partnership pact and investment contract.

Full theme:

  1. Accession of future partners.
  2. Protection of immaterial goods.
  3. Acceleration mechanisms.
  4. Disengagement: good leaver.
  5. Disengagement: bad leaver.
  6. Reverse vesting.
  7. Obligations of promoters.
  8. Key Man.
  9. Information rights.
  10. Right of veto.
  11. Reinforced majorities.
  12. Composition of the Board of Directors.
  13. Political and economic clauses.
  14. Covenant introduction of partners.
José Pedro Tarango de l'equip tècnic del servei de finançament de l'OAE


Days and times
Language of instruction
Attended session
28 May, 2025
10:00 - 12:00
Oficina d'Atenció a les Empreses (OAE), Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA
Language of instruction:Spanish
Opening of registration 28/04/2025 to 00:00 h.

Find out more

IMPORTANT: This activity is performed in two types of format: face-to-face session or virtual session. See the type of each session in the web calendar.

Virtual Session: Virtual sessions of this activity are delivered online via the free Microsoft Teams platform. The registered persons will receive the link by email to the invitation and access instructions before the login.

Virtual classroom activities will be considered "assisted" to all those who have accessed space within 30 minutes of training. People who join later will be counted as "not assisted" and will not be given the corresponding certificate.

In-person session: the information on the front-facing session, address and classroom site is available on the website.

In the activities in Presidential format, the registered persons will have to prove their attendance by signing the attendance sheet that they will find at the reception of the corresponding equipment.


Next edition

Attended session
dc. 28/05/25 10:00-12:00
Oficina d'Atenció a les Empreses (OAE), Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA

Free activity
Opening of registration 28/04/2025 to 00:00 h.
