

Discover Barcelona Activa's tool for making strategic plans.

Brief presentation of the Strategic Plan for SMEs and the Self-Employed (PEPPA), a free and open online software that facilitates diagnosis and planning.
Single-session programme: 1 session de 1 hours
Aimed at:

Entrepreneurs, self-employed individuals and managers of small businesses


Barcelona Activa has developed a new tool with the aim of providing support to all entrepreneurs, self-employed workers or those linked to Social and Solidarity Economy organisations who wish to analyse the state of their organisation or design an action plan in order to implement change and improvement processes.

Strategic Plan for SMEs and the Self-Employed (PEPPA)

It is the tool that will help you analyse the situation of your company and design a consolidation and growth plan.


Analyse your situation through the questionnaire, detect and organise growth opportunities and create the company model you want in the future with our adaptation of the business model canvas


Design a road map to achieve your company's growth objectives. You will be able to make a plan from scratch or from a series of predefined plans included in the application to make your work easier.

Aurora Morales i Susana Vega de l'equip del servei d'assessorament de l'OAE


Days and times
Language of instruction
Attended session
21 May, 2025
09:30 - 10:30
Oficina d'Atenció a les Empreses (OAE), Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA
Language of instruction:Catalan
Opening of registration 21/04/2025 to 00:00 h.

Find out more

IMPORTANT: This activity is carried out in two different formats: an in-person session or a virtual session. Go to the calendar on the website to check the format of each session.

Virtual session: the virtual sessions of this activity are offered via streaming using the free Microsoft Teams platform. Registered participants will receive the link by e-mail with the invitation and login instructions before the start of the session.

For Virtual Classroom activities, anyone who has logged into the space within the first 30 minutes of the training will be considered to have "attended". Those joining later will be considered to have "not attended" the training, and the corresponding certificate will not be issued.

In-person session: information about the place where the in-person session will take place, i.e., the address and the classroom, can be found on the website.

With in-person activities, registered participants must sign the attendance form at the reception desk of the corresponding facility in order to demonstrate their attendance.


Next edition

Attended session
dc. 21/05/25 09:30-10:30
Oficina d'Atenció a les Empreses (OAE), Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA

Free activity
Opening of registration 21/04/2025 to 00:00 h.
