Detall formació
Advanced Blender Tools and Introduction to Virtual Reality
- Develop advanced modeling and exporting skills in Blender
- Apply basic and advanced animation techniques in Blender
- Create scenes with materials, simulations, and post-production for a high-quality final result
- Modeling
- Use of addons for modeling
- Use of vector shapes for modeling
- Introduction to organic modeling
- Adjusting the scene's measurement system
- Other modeling techniques
- Exporting and Virtual Reality
- Exporting to virtual reality format
- Review of creations with virtual reality glasses (during the animation exercises)
- Animation
- Introduction to animation and basic methodology in Blender
- Frame types and animation editors in Blender
- Ball bounce animation
- Object deformation animation (with bones and Shapekeys)
- Introduction to animation drivers
- Materials and Rendering
- Introduction to materials and editing with nodes
- Differences between the two rendering engines
- Rendering a simple animation
- Key parameters for animation and optimizing rendering time
- UV and Simulations
- Introduction to UV unwrapping
- Introduction to particle systems and physical simulation tools
- Grease Pencil and Post-production
- Introduction to Grease Pencil
- Post-production techniques for rendering with nodes and/or Blender's video editor
Level 1
Introduction to Blender
Level 2
Advanced Blender Tools and Introduction to Virtual Reality
Find out more
>> In case the format is virtual via streaming, it will be carried out through the free platform Microsoft Teams. Registered individuals will receive the invitation link and access instructions by email before the session starts.
>> Entry to the classroom will not be allowed after 15 minutes once the activity has started.
>> The language in which each session is conducted is informed in the description of each activity.
>> Any of the training actions of Cibernàrium may be recorded through an image capture system that aims to subsequently disseminate them through a medium or support within the scope of the mission of Barcelona Activa to contribute to economic promotion and employment. In the recording process, images of attendees may eventually be recorded. Registration for Cibernàrium activities implies authorization for Barcelona Activa to use these images for the aforementioned purpose.
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