

Sell abroad through Amazon. first steps

The main objective of this session is to explain how to register on Amazon and publish the first products
Single-session programme: 1 session de 1:30 hours
Aimed at:

Aimed at business professionals and freelancers who have a product and want to take the first steps in this marketplace


Full syllabus:
1. Introduction.
- Context of selling abroad. Importance of the internationalization of business.
- Opportunities and benefits of selling through Amazon in foreign markets.
2. Amazon as an International Platform.
- Overview of Amazon. How Amazon works as a platform. Diversity of categories and audiences.
- International logistics. Amazon Global Logistics and Warehousing Services. How to manage shipping products to other countries.
3. Account configuration and management of Listings.
- Creation of the international account. Step by step to set up an international seller account on Amazon. Tax considerations and necessary documentation.
- Optimization of Listings. Tips for translation and adaptation of listings. Images and descriptions that work internationally
4. Price and currency management.
- Pricing policies. Pricing strategies for international markets.
- Currency handling. How to manage currency fluctuations. Setting up and using different currencies.
5. International customer service
- Customer expectations. Tips for effective customer service.
- Problem solving. Strategies for dealing with problems and conflict resolution. Effective communication with clients from different cultures.
6. Legal aspects and regulations
- Compliance and legislation. Main regulations to take into account.
- Data protection and privacy. Considerations on privacy and data protection in the international arena.
7. Questions and answers. Conclusions.

Oriol Garcés de l'empresa i4SME PROJECTS SL


Days and times
Language of instruction
Virtual classroom
29 Apr, 2025
10:00 - 11:30
Language of instruction:Catalan
Opening of registration 30/03/2025 to 00:00 h.

Find out more

IMPORTANT: This activity is carried out in two types of format: face-to-face session or virtual session. Consult the type of each session in the web calendar.
Virtual session: The virtual sessions of this activity are delivered via streaming using the free Microsoft Teams platform. Registrants will receive an email link with the invitation and access instructions prior to the start of the session.
In the activities of the Virtual Classroom, all those people who have accessed the space in the first 30 minutes of the training will be considered as "attended". People who join later will be counted as "not attended" and the corresponding certificate will not be generated.
Face-to-face session: information on the place where the face-to-face session takes place, address and classroom, can be found on the website.
In the face-to-face activities, registered people must certify their attendance by signing the attendance sheet that they will find at the reception of the corresponding equipment.


Next edition

Virtual classroom
dt. 29/04/25 10:00-11:30

Free activity
Opening of registration 30/03/2025 to 00:00 h.
