DiesInnoBA’s activities programme is InnoBA’s commitment to bringing the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and socio-economic innovation closer to the general public, disseminating inspiring practices and experiences, fostering dialogue between SSE companies and commercial companies, and promoting hybridisation.

Below, you will find the materials gathered from previous sessions, carried out during the 2023-24 academic year, classified by the topic addressed each quarter.

A continuació es recullen els materials derivats de les sessions ja realitzades durant el curs 2023-24, classificades per cada temàtica abordada trimestralment.

To check on future sessions of #DiesInnoBA visit this website.


The ESG Impact - environmental, social and good governance - of companies is an increasingly present topic in terms of a sustainable, resilient and local economy. Impact companies or companies with impact are often discussed to identify those organizations that take into account the environmental and social criteria of their economic activity. In this sense, the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) already incorporates in its principles this triple dimension of impacts as an identifying element. 

The DiesInnoBA sessions of autumn 2023 have focused on the ESG impacts: their reason to exist and their challenges and opportunities. Through different activities, a joint reflection is generated between social economy organizations, commercial companies and citizens around what we understand by ESG impacts, how we measure them and how the ESG criteria are linked to investments.

  • #1. ConversESS 1: Good governance as a key element in the promotion of ESG impacts

    Guernica Facundo, coordinator of the ECOS cooperative group and founder of LabCoop and Irene Tarradellas, director of ImpactHub Barcelona reflect on the role of the government of organizations in their impact. With the moderation of Álvaro Porro, Director of Social Economy and Cooperatives of Barcelona Activa. 

    What effect does democratic governance have on organisations? What does incorporating it mean? Find the answers in this video (in Catalan).

  • #1. ConversESS 2: Investments with Impact

    Mariona Gonzàlez, Director of Innovation and Social Economy of SpainNAB - the main platform for promoting and promoting investments with impact, talks with Juan Garibi, responsible for marketing and strategic development of FIARE - a cooperative ethical bank. Moderated by Jaume Oller, co-founder partner of Tandem Social.

    What is an investment with impact? How are ESG criteria integrated into an investment analysis?  Find the answers in this video (in Catalan).

  • #1. Laboratori 1: Challenges of ESG impact measurement: criteria and standards 

    This session presents first a debate among experts about the importance of incorporating impact measurement methodologies within organizations and the challenges this entails, and, second, a group workshop. 

    Júlia Díaz, expert in data analysis at the department of Management and Quality of the data in Barcelona Activa, Suzanne Jenkins, Coordinator of the ESADE Center for Social Impact, Rubén Suriñach, head of Balanç Social, tool offered by the Solidarity Economy Network (XES in Catalan) for measuring the impact of the Social and Solidarity Economy and Farners Miró, expert in corporate impact strategy at Roots for Sustainability (R4S) - the driving force behind the B Corp Movement in Spain.

    You can listen to them (conversation in Catalan and Spanish) in the video on the right or read the Session Report (in Catalan), where you can also find other links of interest.

  • #1. Laboratori 2: The path to sustainable fashion: how to incorporate ESG impact on fashion 

    Paola Cirelli, founder of Fashion Design Thinking and the Maldita Moda Club podcast, and branding professor at different universities, presents us how the sustainable fashion sector is distinguished, what elements define it, and directs a dynamic workshop for participants to work on the journey of their company, entity or entrepreneurial project towards sustainability.

    Due to the format of the activity, it cannot be revived. You can find more activities about sustainable textiles in the RevESStim el Tèxtil Program.

  • #1 Circle 1: Sustainability: transforming fashion from the classroom 

    In this day, a participatory debate was held between different vocational training institutes of the textile family on the problems of the fashion industry “fast fashion”, in order to work on the elaboration of messages and activities that can be used to sensitize young generations regarding responsible consumption, circular economy and sustainable fashion.

    This session, which was followed by about 200 young students of Textile Vocational Training and Personal Image, of medium or higher degree, had the presentation of Mireia Cañellas Grifoll, responsible for Sustainable Development of the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda and with Professor Albert Pérez, of the Higher Cycle in Textile and Skin Design, oriented to the manufacture of fashion and custom clothing collections, from the Terrassa Institute.

    You can listen to them in the video on the right