Reimaginem helps you transform and encourage resilience in companies and entities with practices and values of the Social and Solidarity Economy, or that are in the process of incorporating them, and want to have a positive environmental, social, and good governance (ESG) impact

We seek to offer you concrete solutions to respond to needs or challenges and help you grow by understanding the various contexts that surround and conditions in organisations. 

Organizations are accompanied by tackling contexts of opportunity and change from innovation, strategy and prototyping. 

The fourth edition will begin on the 24th of October of 2024, it will have up to 14 participating initiatives, and it will be executed by  Tandem Social SCCL. 

Do you want to be one of them? Sign up before October 4th!


  • To work on the prototype of concrete solutions for specific challenges for organisations. 
  • To promote co-creation and the social impact on the processes of change and innovation of organisations. 
  • Promoting gender mainstreaming and good governance in organisations. 


  • A business model with consolidated bases.
  • A specific challenge identified in the areas of product/service design, internal organisation or marketing. 
  • A team with availability, leadership and innovation capabilities.
  • Interest in incorporating or empowering elements of Social and Solidarity Economics, gender perspective or ESG impact. 


Depending on the specific need, the Reimaginem offers each organization the choice of one of the three different itineraries focused on practice. Design methodologies are used in these to generate ideas outside conventional and common. 

  1. Product and service design: design of the product or service value proposal and of the user or client journey experience.
  2. Internal organizational tinerary: design of changes in organizational or organizational culture, among others.
  3. Commercialisation tinerary: redesigning of branding, elaborating and testing of communicative materials or improving discourse and commercial actions.

All itineraries incorporate digitization as a key element.  Furthermore, we believe that innovation comes from the sum of various visions, and therefore we support co-learning and collaboration within organisations, among them, and also with the programme team and other initiatives linked to the SSE sector of the city of Barcelona


  • Orientation – we identify challenges and opportunities.
  • Exploration – analyse, generate ideas, define and develop potential solutions.
  • Prototyping – we conceive, design and construct prototypes of solutions.


  • Specialized Career (10h)
  • Formative and co-creation actions: common for all participants (9h) and specialized according to prototype scope (8h)
  • Exchange and learning actions with referrers and innovative organizations (4h) 


Once you have finished the program, you can use the Social and Solidarity Economy Advisory Service (SAESS) of Barcelona Activa and La InnoBAdora+, incubation community for SSE organisations.

Further Information

You can find more detailed information in the program attached on this same page and resolve any queries by writing an email to or calling 933 57 52 52.

For more information on the offer of training and services regarding Social and Solidarity Economy or Socioeconomic Innovation click here.

key information

Applications period: until the 4th of October 2024.
Duration: 8 months, from October 2024 to May 2025 (1 monthly session)

Check the information sessions here.

Taught by: Tandem Social