

Program for care organizations providing services within the Social and Solidarity Economy  

Addressing organizations in the caring and care sector, since 2018, Barcelona Activa's Operational Directorate for Social Economy and Cooperatives has developed several actions to boost and strengthen the sector, applying a holistic vision and including Social and Solidarity Economy's values.

These are the actions offered within the "Activem les CurESS" (Boost Care) Program: 

The actions developed have been part of the Government Measure for Democratising Care Work 2017–2020 and have aimed at the analysis and development of sustainability elements and business models to structure services offered cooperatively in the field of care as well as promoting intercooperation in this sector.


On the other hand, the Estratègia ESS Barcelona 2030 (SSE Strategy for Barcelona 2030) determines 10 strategic sectors of economic activity: sustainable food and agri-ecology; care for people, proximity trade, culture, energy, housing, mobility, technology and digital, tourism and textiles.

During the last quarter of 2020, the "Activem les CurESS" (Boost Care) Program was launched. It aimed to detect the need for social business strengthening and challenges of organizations providing care services. There have been two workshops to expose challenges linked to the  affectation of COVID-19 in the field as well as possible opportunities. You can download the result of those Workshops from the box on the right.

Last, also during 2020, another main line of action was sectoral articulation. The actions to promote it have been oriented toward the support of the Cura Digna intercooperation group. As a result of the process of intercooperation, accompanied by Barcelona Activa and Coopolis, on 30 March 2021 two deliverables were presented: the launch of the campaign Prescrivim Cura Digna (We prescribe decent care) and a joint catalog of services (Catalan).


What resources are available for you within the Program?